Shamanic Energy Medicine


Address the issue at its root, bringing healing and transformation


We must be willing to look at ourselves and all the aspects.

It is not enough to to “just shift our thinking” or “positive think” our way into new behaviors. If we really want to shift a pattern or bring healing to a situation we need to engage the energetics as well.

Working at the mental/emotional level only can be effective at first but it doesn’t change the program that is running underneath everything. You won’t be able to ‘positive think’ your way into feeling whole.

What is Shamanic Energy Medicine

ā€‹Shamanic Energy Medicine encompasses many intervention and healing modalities, such as:

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Karmic Cord Cutting

  • Destiny Retrieval

  • Extraction of Intrusive Energies or Entities

These modalities address patterns and wounds that have been etched into our energy field through trauma or the experience of a painful event.

ā€‹In a session, we address the issue at its root, bringing healing and transformation to all four levels of your being; physical, mental/emotional, soul, and energetic.

Issues we commonly address:

  • old repeating patterns and stories that keep you feeling stuck in a loop
  • wounds or traumas that have become self-fulfilling prophecy
  • physical issues and health issues that are not getting better
  • going through a divorce or breakup
  • loss of your job/career, or out of alignment with what you are doing
  • anxiety and depression.
  • feeling trapped – like you have no choice.
  • feeling the pull toward something more but not sure how to access it
  • feelings of shame and guilt about your choices.
  • lost touch with your own inner guidance.
  • feeling disconnected to yourself
  • Your soul is asking for more and you are afraid of what that means


When you clear and harmonize your energy body you increase your overall vitality and sense of wellbeing, allowing you to:

  • heal your physical body more quickly and efficiently
  • move through life’s challenges with beauty, grace and strength.
  • know how to stand in your power and choice.
  • learn to use your inner guidance system to navigate life.

Ready for a Session?

Book with a Practitioner