Holding the Light Within
A 21 Day Shamanic Meditation Practice
Dannielle Bryan
Rabecca Adams
Be led through a high-quality, pre-recorded 21 Day Shamanic Meditation Practice.
Self-guided, at your own pace.
Clear out obstacles, learn how to access your inner knowing, and develop a spiritual discipline you love to wake up to.
Purchase for $111
An exploration of our Energetic Anatomy and The Chakra System - the 7 energy centers encompassing creation, connection, and inspiration.
Join us to experience and learn how to use our Energetic Anatomy and our Chakra System as a powerful transformation and creation tool!
We will spend 3 days with each chakra exploring the unique energy that is held in each one.
- Learn how to work with these centers intentionally
- Gain a deeper understanding of our own make-up, patterns, and motivations
- Our practice will culminate with a special journey, marking the beginning of winter and the return of the light
Using breathwork meditation we will:
- Consciously clearing out stagnant energy held our bodies both physically and energetically
- Work with clearing out old stories, patterns, and beliefs
- Bring in new engagements and possibilities
- Raise the frequency of our light bodies so we may become more available for manifestation and co-creation in our lives